Bourne Town - Aylestone Park Stats

03.08.2024 15:00

Match info:

Time 15:00
Date 03.08.2024
Location Bourne, Lincolnshire
Abbey Lawn


Bourne Town
Aylestone Park
Both Teams Score
Over Under 2.5
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Last games:
Bourne Town:
Aylestone Park:

Main Stats

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00 Goals scored per game 1.50
1.00 Goals conceded per game 1.00
0.00% Clean sheets 50.00%
0.00% Team scored 100.00%
0.00% Team scored twice 50.00%
0.00% Scored in both halves 0.00%
0.00% Goal in both halves 0.00%

Win Draw Lose

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00% Win 50.00%
0.00% Draw 50.00%
100.00% Lose 0.00%
0.00% Win and Over 1.5 goals 0.00%
0.00% Lose and Over 1.5 goals 0.00%
0.00% Team win first half 0.00%
100.00% Team draw at half time 100.00%
0.00% Team lost first half 0.00%

Both Teams to Score

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00% Both Teams to Score 50.00%
0.00% BTTS in first-half 0.00%
0.00% BBTS in second-half 50.00%
0.00% BBTS and Over 1.5 50.00%
0.00% BBTS and Over 2.5 50.00%
0.00% Win and BTTS 0.00%
0.00% Draw and BTTS 50.00%
0.00% Lose and BTTS 0.00%

Match Total Goals

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00% Match total goals 0 0.00%
100.00% Match total goals 1 50.00%
0.00% Match total goals 2 0.00%
0.00% Match total goals 3 0.00%
0.00% Match total goals 4 50.00%
100.00% Match total goals 0 or 1 50.00%
0.00% Match total goals 2 or 3 0.00%
0.00% Match total goals 4+ 50.00%

Over Under Goals

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00% Over 1.5 goals 50.00%
0.00% Over 2.5 goals 50.00%
0.00% Over 3.5 goals 50.00%
100.00% Under 1.5 goals 50.00%
100.00% Under 2.5 goals 50.00%
100.00% Under 3.5 goals 50.00%
0.00% Over 0.5 goals at half-time 0.00%
0.00% Over 1.5 goals at half-time 0.00%
0.00% Over 2.5 goals at half-time 0.00%

Half Time-Full Time

Bourne Town
Last 1 games home
Aylestone Park
Last 2 games away
0.00% Win HT - Win FT 0.00%
0.00% Win HT - Draw FT 0.00%
0.00% Win HT - Lose FT 0.00%
0.00% Draw HT - Win FT 50.00%
0.00% Draw HT - Draw FT 50.00%
100.00% Draw HT - Lose FT 0.00%
0.00% Lose HT - Win FT 0.00%
0.00% Lose HT - Draw FT 0.00%
0.00% Lose HT - Lose FT 0.00%

Bourne Town Trends

Bourne Town trends last games.
Bourne Town doesn't have any special trends in the last games.

Aylestone Park Trends

Aylestone Park trends last games.
Aylestone Park games have under 2.5 goals in their last 2 matches.
Aylestone Park haven't lost any of their last 2 away matches.
Aylestone Park have lost their last 2 home matches.

Last Matches Bourne Town

Last Matches Aylestone Park